Cuban Sci. 2020, 1(1): 5–6Aris Quintana Nedelcos
Published on 20 Apr 2020 PDF (143K)“Back during my time at the Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana “Jose Antonio Echeverrı́a”, CUJAE I assist with a workshop on the Problem Base Learning (PBL) approach to teaching. Little did I know about the serious science behind the development of innovative Learning and Teaching approaches. Even less on how far in our history, it is possible to track our “modern” problems and solutions! In the present contribution I share with the readers some of these findings. I will particularly focus on those corresponding to the Hellenistic times of the classical Greco-Roman philosophy, and hopefully, just hopefully, I will be able to transmit how modern these “ancient thoughts” look like.”
Cuban Sci. 2020, 1(1): 17–18Yusmel González Hernández, Ulises Jáuregui Haza, Claire Albasi, Marion Alliet
Published on 14 May 2020 PDF (289K)“The development of a submerged membrane bioreactor computer simulator that integrates biological degradation process with physical separation process is a useful tool for teaching and research.”