Cuban Sci. 2021, Vol. 2, Issue 1
Cuban Sci. 2021, 2(1): 1–2Octavio Armas, Pablo Fernández-Yáñez, Reyes García-Contreras, Carmen Mata
Published on 11 Feb 2021 PDF (1.27M)“Thermoelectric generators arise as an option to recover part of the great amount of energy wasted as heat in the exhaust systems of internal combustion engines. Results of fuel savings with diesel and gasoline engines are provided.”
Cuban Sci. 2021, 2(1): 3–4Anel Hernández-Garcés, Elizabeth Avilés Rodríguez, Maritza Lau González, Ulises Jáuregui Haza, Irene Grueiro Cruz, Fernando Guzmán Martínez
Published on 16 Feb 2021 PDF (53.04K)“Concise review on some educational experiences in a process of strengthening the teaching of Organic Chemistry in the training of the radiochemists at InSTEC”
Cuban Sci. 2021, 2(1): 5–6Octavio Armas, Reyes García-Contreras, Pablo Fernández-Yáñez, Carmen Mata
Published on 10 Mar 2021 PDF (837K)“This work is focused on improving the knowledge of physical and morphological characteristics of aviation fuel injection sprays with application in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). This work is carried out by means of the combination of complex and singular experimental techniques such as an optical engine and Schlieren technique with modelling tools.”
Cuban Sci. 2021, 2(1): 7–8Trini Fragoso Arbeloa, Dency Rivas Domingo, María Elena Trujillo Toledo, Mercedes Cárdenas Bruno, Félix Revilla Machado, Rebeca Milán Pavón
Published on 14 Mar 2021 PDF (139K)“Helicobacter pylori infection is widespread, particularly in developing countries, and plays a vital role in acid
peptic disease.”
Cuban Sci. 2021, 2(1): 9–10Octavio Armas, Reyes García-Contreras, José Antonio Soriano
Published on 15 Mar 2021 PDF (1.56M)“This work focuses on the effect of alternative fuels (biodiesel and paraffinic) on the injection and combustion processes, on the regulated pollutant emissions (NOx, THC, PM) and the characterization of the particulate material generated from a physic-chemical point of view (morphology, oxidation, chemical reactivity) and biological (genotoxicity and mutagenicity).”
Cuban Sci. 2021, 2(1): 11–12Trini Fragoso Arbelo, Elsa García Bacallao, Waldimiro García Pérez, Maria Elena Trujillo Toledo, Emilio Rodríguez Ramírez, Eduviges García Soto, José Rústelo Aguila, Raquel Toledo Padilla, Rey Ramos Riera, Elvira Borbolla Busquets
Published on 20 Mar 2021 PDF (134K)“Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in children are not so infrequent and a high level of suspicion should be maintained in order to achieve an early diagnosis and maximum avoidance of complications”
Cuban Sci. 2021, 2(1): 13–14Trini Fragoso Arbelo, Rebeca Milán Pavón
Published on 25 Mar 2021 PDF (134K)“Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGID) are a frequent motive for health care needs in gastroenterology, thus causing serious problems socially and in family dynamics. We study the clinical characteristics and natural history of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in children and adolescents attending our outpatients' practice of pediatric gastroenterology, according to the new Rome criteria. We found that IBS is relatively frequent as a cause for functional Chronic Abdominal Pain (CAP) and that an interrogatory following Rome criteria is useful for its diagnosis.”