Manuscripts can be submitted in ODT, DOCX or LaTeX format. The paper style will ultimately follow the LaTeX class cubanscientist.cls, made from simple modifications of the standard article class, as can be seen in the following LaTeX example. If you are submitting a manuscript in ODT or DOCX format, please use a two-column format and a font size of 11 points.
Please observe the limit of two pages, including title, figures and references. TCS accepts manuscripts following either the American Psychological Association (APA) or the American Physical Society (APS) bibliography styles. The editing team will bring the manuscript to its final form.
As a rule, we accept short manuscripts of no more than two pages, with few references, briefly describing own original research already published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The language of the manuscripts will be English regardless of the language of the corresponding published research, which has to be included in the references.
Any communication with the Editorial board, including the submission, can be done both in English or Spanish.
Many points are left to the preference of the authors, as for instance the use of sections or the use of rather colloquial language in anecdotal tone. However, we do ask for a very small, typically two-sentence long abstract.
Submissions are received by email at our address Please attach the manuscript source file(s) and write your name, affiliation and the reference of your published paper in the body of the message. Indicate as well the journal section that better fits the subject of your work and at least two keywords.
Once you submit your manuscript, we will check the authorship and the correspondence between its content and the content of the published work of reference. Afterwards, the style will be corrected and, if you approve the final form, the work will be published.